Sunday, December 11, 2011

I Met Tom Cruise 12/11

Well this weekend was supposed to be pretty uneventful. Saturday went as planned... I cleaned up my apartment to prepare for our inspection and packed one of my bags. Maybe a little early to be packing, but I'm just so excited to be going home. So I guess I felt like having a physical conformation that I'll be home in less than a week. But on Sunday, things got a little livelier than expected... I met TOM CRUISE! I shook his hand, introduced myself and was able to take a photo with him (my arm wrapped around his waist!). I feel like celebrities and traveling have become a combined experience for me, because George Clooney was on my flight home from India. Tom was a really nice guy and wished me a Merry Christmas.It was an awesome, unexpected highlight to my final weekend of the internship. Now I just have to power through the rest of the week, pack the rest of my belongings and get on the flight(s) home. Then I'll be home with friends and family, eating sushi and Mexican food, and celebrating Christmas!


  1. George Clooney trumps Tom Cruise. And we need to go get sushi together.

  2. I thoroughly agree on both counts! Oh how I wish I had been able to get a picture with George.
