Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Brugge and Brussels 09/03-09/05

Three-day weekend! We definitely made the most of it. Saturday we went to Brugge, Belgium. It is a quaint little city that looks like it is right out of the Medieval times. Cobblestone streets twist in complicated maze-like paths with tall stone buildings erected all around, and canals run watery paths through the city. Sunday morning we were lucky enough to stumble upon a farmer's market in Brugge. Dozens of vendors handed out samples of cheese, so I was in heaven trying all the delicious dairy products surrounding countries came to offer. In the afternoon we moved on to Brussels, Belgium. It was a much bigger city and had the ironic juxtaposition of modern skyscrapers and old cathedrals. I enjoyed checking out the Grand Place, the Atomium and Manneken Pis--it was so tiny! And of course I tried waffles (with chocolate, strawberries and whipped cream, yum!), chocolate and Belgian beer. All of it was absolutely scrumptious. My favorite of the Belgian beers was a raspberry one.
Monday we had breakfast in our hostel (HI Hostel Jacques Brel, which was incredibly nice and highly recommend) and then headed to Luxembourg. Luxembourg was very beautiful and had a deep river canyon in the middle of the city. It was such a green and lush place that my eyes were overwhelmed. Our outing in Luxembourg was very rushed, and one of the girls almost got left behind, because she nearly missed the bus. However, I made a total jerk of myself by insisting that the bus driver pull over to pick her up from the other side of the street where she tried, but failed to get food (it wasn't ready in time). I literally stood in the front window of the bus and frantically waved her down so she would run to the bus. The bus driver was nice enough to pull over, so we all got home together. It was a moment of panic, but now we all just crack up about it. Overall I really enjoyed getting out and utilizing my three-day weekend to see such beautiful countries!

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