Monday, February 20, 2012

sLOVEnia 02/18/12-02/20/12

Our weekend in Slovenia was great! We visited Ljubljana and Bled. Both of the cities were fantastic. Ljubljana was covered in graffiti, and chunks of wall were peeling off the buildings, but the seeming decay of the city only lent to its charm. And the graffiti is better labeled street art. I was so impressed with the amazing pictures that were painted throughout the city. Ljubljana was such a relaxing area and a cute little city. We didn't do much besides walk around and hang out in our hostel. But we did visit the castle. It was a stark contrast to the city. The whole thing was renovated and updated... it was more art gallery than fortress. I was a little disappointed with the castle, but at least it was something different from the many castles that stand in Europe. Our hostel, Hostel Celica, was so fabulous! It was everything a hostel should be... colorful, inviting and had an awesome story. It was once a jail and was going to be demolished, but was saved and converted into a hostel slash art gallery. The area surrounding it was covered in graffiti/street art and had an artsy vibe. Plus the 3 euro breakfast was extensive and delicious. I really enjoyed the whole experience.
On our way home we stopped in Bled for a few hours. The area is known for its lake, castle and church. It was a picturesque spot. The frozen lake was set against snow-covered trees among the rolling hills. An island sat in the middle of the lake with a church on it. We were hoping to walk to the church, but the day before we got there the weather warmed up and the lake melted a bit. Sadly we weren't able to make the trek, but we did venture on the lake. It was exhilarating, and I was nervous I was going to fall in. But thankfully I made it out dry! We ended our time in Bled by trying some desserts... it's another famous aspect of the area. And for good reason! The apple strudel, raspberry strudel and Bled cake were all delicious! It was a great trip.

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