Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bits of Travel and the Best Sister in the World

Hey sexy lady!

Getting our massage on.

How we do.

I have the best sister ever, because she came to visit me in Korea! Luckily her Moon Festival vacation lined up with my Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) vacation, so we were able to travel to Busan together. We giggled a majority of the trip and had such a great time together! I tried to convince her to move to Korea; she tried to convince me to move to China. But we just wouldn't budge. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with my sister, and I know that if we ever settle down in the same country, we will certainly have to live close to each other and have ridiculously giggle-filled lives. It was an absolute joy to spend in-person time together after so many months of Skype. And considering we don't even live in the same country and haven't for the past two years, which have actually been able to see each other quite often. It's fantastic! 
We enjoyed the beach in Busan and got Thai massages. We also went to Spa Land, which is a huge bath house with a variety of saunas. My favorite sauna room was the wave dream room. It had comfortable benches and it wasn't as incredibly hot at the other rooms. I really enjoyed the different pools in the women's bath house. It was quite an experience, though, because there were naked women every where! It was actually quite freeing and very relaxing. We also went to Beomeosa Temple. It was very beautiful and in the mountain, which was a nice escape from the city.

Andong Mask Dance Festival

The group.





Andong beef

Last weekend I went to Andong with Elizabeth and Jocelyn to check out the Mask Dance Festival. It was such a fun day trip! We saw many different kinds of masks from all over the world, and Elizabeth and I even made our own as pictured above. The festival had so many activities (Taekwondo performances, music, group dancing, food booths). We enjoyed the main dance performance featuring dancers from Uzbekistan, Latvia, Indonesia and Russia. The Russian dancers were my favorite! They were more like gymnasts, jumping incredibly high and doing back flips one after another. Their dancing is quite a physical feat! The dancers from Latvia were also good and did more of a contemporary style of dance. We finished the evening by trying some Andong beef, which is famous for being the best beef in Korea. We had it bulgogi (Korean bbq) style, and my was it delicious! The meat was very tender and flavorful. It was some of the best bulgogi I have had yet.

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