Sunday, November 18, 2012

A weekend of firsts.

Pumpkin Latte!

It was a weekend of firsts for me, and a very good weekend indeed! I started the weekend with an adventurous dinner Friday night; I ate raw beef for the first time. I was leery going into it, and butterflies fluttered around my stomach as I took the first bite. But as the morsel of meat caressed my taste buds, my stomach was quickly placated. I thoroughly enjoyed the meal! The meat was seasoned with sesame oil and a bit of green onions. It was a nice light flavor, allowing the flavor of the meat to break through. Had I gone alone, I think I would have been a bit more worried even as I enjoyed the delightful taste of the meal. But since I went with an experienced raw beef consumer (who is alive to tell the tale) I felt much more comfortable. Though the incredulous stares of the others dining at the restaurant (all Korean) didn't do much to make me feel at ease. Everyone's eyes carried the same question that bounced around their minds, "Does this waygook know where she is?" It's safe to say that many a foreigner fails to grace their presence at one of these establishments, but that was not enough to deter me from trying something new. I will absolutely go back, and next time I plan to try the raw beef that is unseasoned and cut that very day. Apparently in the remote villages of Korea, restaurants will cut the slab of beef right before your eyes. It certainly reminds you that you are eating an adorable cow, but I would really love to try meat that incredibly fresh, because it is just so tasty. So if the opportunity arises, it will certainly be happening!
Saturday I took it pretty easy during the day as I am still trying to get over a cold I first developed symptoms for last week Thursday! (Side note: I am definitely planning on going to the doctor tomorrow, which will ironically be another first for me) Carrying on, I got a haircut in the afternoon, another first. I was pleased with the cut and price. And the hairstylist actually lived in California for about 10 years, so I was comfortable with her since I could clearly express my desired cut specifications. Saturday night I went to a speed dating event put on by a local charity. I had never attended one of these events, but they always seemed intriguing, so I figured now's as good a time as any. It was a pretty fun evening, and I met quite a few interesting people. But it was definitely a lot of small talk 25 times over, which is really quite taxing. And with a cold to boot, it was not the easiest of experiences. Glad I had a beer (or more) in hand to help me through the evening. But overall it was a good time!
Today I had my first pumpkin latte in Korea! I was so excited to find a place that sells them, because I have really been missing my pumpkin coffee fix that autumn usually brings. Surely I have said it many times before, but I really love pumpkin flavored food and drink! They are just so delicious. Cold Stone Creamery is actually where I found the latte, which was unexpected, but much appreciated! They also had a pumpkin vanilla pecan ice cream (that also had pistachios), which was pretty good, but could certainly have had much more pumpkin flavor. After guzzling the delicious drink, my friend Elizabeth and I caught the final installment of the Twilight series. It was my first time seeing a movie in Korea with someone else (how sad!). The movie was just like all the others; it was nothing spectacular, but something you just have to watch.
I was really glad to have an adventurous weekend in my own city. It was nice to get out and do new things. That is probably my favorite thing about traveling; I love meeting new people, eating new food and doing things I have never done before. It is exhilarating and a great way to really appreciate life and all the fabulous things this world has to offer.

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