Friday, November 9, 2012

Playing Catch Up

Well I have obviously been neglecting my poor blog, so now I am going to do a recap of the past few weeks (mostly about the weekends) of my life! So be prepared for a longer than usual post (no one would blame you if you just stopped reading now!)

Weekend of Oct. 26-28:

Teen Top performing

I attempted to check out the Fireworks Festival in Busan, but the rain foiled my plans... but more on that later. I headed to the city straight from work with my friends to catch the free KPop concert. We arrived about a third of the way into the show, but were able to get in after grabbing some free tickets. The show was pretty good, and I actually knew a few of the songs performed by Teen Top (and by that I mean I knew the English lyrics and swayed/mumbled to the rest of the songs). But it was a lot of fun and makes me want to attend more KPop concerts. Though if I'm going to pay for it, I'm going to see a band I really love and learn all of their songs so I can sing along.
The next day we had plans to see some awesome cliffs in Busan, but torrential downpours forced us inside. So what's a girl to do? Go shopping, of course! We went to H&M, and I stocked up on cute winter clothes. I am so happy to have an H&M so close, but not too close. Otherwise I would spend my whole paycheck on cute outfits. The rain really started to pick up as we were walking back to our hotel, and we got completely soaked. As did my paper bag with all of my new clothes. The bag disintegrated and all my new clothes fell on the filthy, wet street. I was really frustrated but once I got back to the hotel and laid my stuff out to dry, it was funny to look back on. We figured since we were already soaking we might as well walk to dinner and then head to the beach for the fireworks show. But as we were enjoying our seafood paella at The Back Room, we learned that the show was postponed until Sunday. It was a devastating blow (a little dramatic, I know) because there was no way to see the show without returning home ridiculously late on a night before work. So instead we decided to head out to some Halloween parties. I was dressed as a pathetic "Calico" bunny. It was a pretty sad costume, but I didn't feel like spending a lot. The evening was decently fun, but nothing spectacular. Though better than if I had just stayed home.

Weekend of Nov. 2-4:


Daegu International Opera Festival

Don Giovanni's Conquests

 Oh, of course.

On Friday night I headed to the Opera House to see Don Giovanni. It was showing as part of the Daegu International Opera Festival. The opera was quite funny and entertaining, but it was a little too drawn out. And the end was basically like a religious smack in the face. Though that certainly is understandable given the time frame it was written  in. Overall it was an enjoyable experience. I was happy to have English translations for the Italian lyrics, because it helped me to understand the opera better. And sometimes, when the translations made no sense, it made the experience more hilarious.

Daegu Arboretum:


The next weekend I headed to the Daegu Arboretum with my friend Jocelyn. The arboretum had a chrysanthemum festival with a variety of objects shaped out of the flower. And lots of gorgeous, fall-colored trees. It was a really nice and relaxing day. The sun was shining, and it was warmer than it had been the few days previous. So it was the perfect time to go! We enjoyed a nice picnic lunch in the open grass area of the arboretum and walked through the lovely paths.  

Palgongsan Cable Car:

Going up.

Love trails. If your love isn't true, the tiger will bite your hand!

On the mountain.

After the arboretum I headed to the northern part of Daegu to ride the Cable Car up Palgongsan (Palgong Mountain). It was a 7 minute ride, but about a 2.5 hour journey to take the ride. I was hoping to make it back in time to do some salsa dancing, but the line for the ride was just too long and ate up my time. But I was able to see a beautiful sunset, so it was a good trade off. I was a bit underwhelmed with the view from the mountain--I was hoping for a sea of red, orange and yellow leaves--but I'm happy that I went. Daegu really has a lot to offer, so it was nice to have a weekend at home and enjoy the beautiful areas.

Mask Dance Bread Masks



The next day I headed to the Daegu Food Expo. It was a pretty neat show and had some free samples. I was definitely hoping for more samples, but was happy to have any. I learned about a few more restaurants in Daegu that I hope to try one day. The best part of the expo was the bar tending tricks show. They performers were really talented and even threw flaming bottles. It was a good show! After I saw the new 007 movie. It was my first time at a theater in Korea, and I loved it. The seats were incredibly comfortable, and the front seats are a good distance from the screen, so you don't have to strain your neck to watch. I enjoyed the experience so much, I went to see Looper the next night. Both movies were really good, but Looper was even better.

All in all, the last few trips and events I have participated in have been delightful.

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