Friday, November 9, 2012

In Other News

Autumn is my favorite time of year. Gorgeous! 

Here is another update about the more routine things in my life. I (finally) started Korean lessons yesterday, and I am so excited to learn some of this awesome language! I really hope that I can pick it up quickly so I can start having some form of conversation with my fellow teachers and Korean people in general. I have the class for two hours Mondays and Thursdays at the YMCA. Yesterday we went over the consonants, most of the vowels and a few words. I am really happy to be learning the language, but I'm hoping that I don't get burnt out.
I've also started taking salsa lessons on Tuesday nights from 8-10 (in Korean, so I mostly just mimic what they do until I get the steps down) and I have capoeira from 7-9 on Wednesdays also at the YMCA. So I'll be in downtown Mondays through Thursdays, busy with lots of activities. It will be a lot, but I am happy to have so many things available to do. They are all things that I am really interested in, so it's nice that the schedule worked out to fit them all in. Though I would also really love to take a KPop dance class. I'll just have to find a place that does them on Fridays or the weekend as a once a time thing. Hopefully there is something available! Though I'll be getting busier, I will try to keep this blog more up to date!

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