Friday, March 23, 2012

Pisa 03/19/12

The train ride from Florence to Pisa was very beautiful. I wish I could have seen more of the Tuscan countryside. Dad and I arrived in Pisa around 1 pm and headed straight for the Leaning Tower. It was a bit of a walk from the train station, but would have been a nice stroll if we weren't bogged down by all of our luggage. On our way, we picked up some sandwiches to go. When we arrived at the tower, we plucked down on a grassy patch near the tower, and enjoyed a nice picnic. We also shared my bottle of Moscato that the lovely ladies I worked with during the internship bought me as parting gift. It was a great way to enjoy the beautiful view. After we walked around the tower and got shots from all angles. I took every cheesy picture I could think of... holding the tower up, punching it down, jumping, cartwheels. We finished that around 4 pm or so and headed to figure out where our Eurolines bus was picking us up. We found the stop fairly quickly, and had a small bite at the cafe near the bus stop. Our bus didn't arrive until 9 pm (actually it was about 20 minutes early, so we were able to get on around 8:40 pm), so we killed time by walking to another little cafe and drinking a cappuccino. I was so nervous that the bus wasn't going to show up or that we were in the wrong place, but everything worked out well and we were able to get on without any problems. Our seats were right at the front, which was really nice, because we didn't have anyone reclining their seats into our laps. The bus ride was long, but fairly comfortable. We arrived in Naples the next morning around 6:15.

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