Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dubrovnik 04/01/12

Well the day started out with gale force winds and blown about debris lodging into my eyes, but I still very much enjoyed my time in Dubrovnik. I started the day off by walking around the city walls in the Old Town. Happily I got a student discount and paid less than half of the adult fair! It was a very beautiful walk around the city walls. On one side the ocean stretched out to the horizon, and within the walls the city streets and buildings dotted the area. Walking the walls is definitely a must do, and a great way to start out seeing the old city, because you get to view it all at once. After the walls I strolled around within the city. I saw a good majority of the area, but it soon began to rain. The polished streets became very slick, especially because I was wearing my Toms. So I decided to head back to my room at the Villa Micika and wait out the rain and wind. Eventually I ventured back out, this time to the beach. It was another pebble beach, but they were pretty large pebbles. The beach was nice, and I was able to enjoy another beautiful sunset. And even though the weather wasn't ideal, Dubrovnik was such a lovely city and definitely worth a visit.

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